Ebook Reader 468 x 60

With Hesitant Stride - a Blog Novel

"No, I'm not that kind of girl!" she moaned, writhing with desire, yet pushing away. "Yes," he urged, "It is time and past time for us to give in to our passion!" He clutched her tighter. Read on to see what happens.

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Location: Citrus Heights, California
Near Space Press presents Net Assets



Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I know. I know. I know.

This isn't a post of chapters.

However. I'm working on expanding Chapters 10 and 11 of "Homebrew" and hope to have the new stuff up by this weekend.

It would be nice, if you like what you're reading, if you would make a small, say $1-$5 donation to me. That way, I'd get a better feel for how many people are reading this. You can find the donation button on this page as well as my main blog page and my "Homebrew" chapter snippets page.

I WILL keep track of who donates and each person who reaches $35 will, upon publication, receive an autographed copy - even if I self-publish through Amazon's ClearSpace program in trade paperback format. Something to look forward to, yes?
